Table Of Contents
- 1 1. Use It as a Storage Room
- 2 2. Decorate It as a Guest Room
- 3 3. Convert It into a Playroom
- 4 4. Make It a Home Office
- 5 5. Dining Area
- 6 6. Home Gym
- 7 7. Library
- 8 8. Music Room
- 9 9. Arcade Room
- 10 10. Recording Studio
- 11 11. Home Bar
- 12 12. Home Cinema
- 13 13. Pet Room
- 14 14. Cleaning and Laundry Rooms
- 15 15. Space for Garden
- 16 Wrapping Up
There are so many unused rooms in most houses with nobody is making use of them. This poises the question "what to do with a spare room?" It is time you brought life back into these rooms and smartly used them to keep your home organized and store things away for safekeeping. If you have a spare room at your disposal, then you can make the best out of it by using it intelligently and saving on your expenses as well. The good news is there are ways to do so. In this blog, we'll discuss what to do with a spare room.
What To Do With A Spare Room?
1. Use It as a Storage Room

Spare bedrooms are best used as storage rooms. You can use them to store everything you don't want to see every day but still need them. The items in your spare room should be things that you do not need daily and are not essential for your day-to-day life. For example, if you have a lot of winter clothes, it is better to keep them in a separate room so that they do not take up space in your living room.
2. Decorate It as a Guest Room

If you have friends or relatives visiting you often, your spare bedroom can be used as a guest room. You can put comfortable furniture in the room, and it will be easier for your guests to relax there after a long day. Guests can also use the space to work on their laptops and other gadgets if they stay long.
3. Convert It into a Playroom

If you have kids and you're wondering what to do with a spare room. It can be converted into a playroom. You can buy all kinds of toys for your kids and let them play there when they are bored or have nothing to do. The kids will surely love it because they will have their own private space to play with their toys without disturbing anyone else in the house.
4. Make It a Home Office

You can convert your spare bedroom into an additional home office. It is perfect for you if you are a working person and do not have enough space in your office to store all of your files. You can keep all of your essential documents in the spare bedroom and bring them whenever you need them. The spare bedroom can also be used as a quiet place to work if you find it hard to concentrate in your office. You can decorate the spare bedroom with furniture suitable for an office.
5. Dining Area
The spare room can be turned into a dining area. You can place a dining table and some chairs in the room. Decorate the walls with art pieces to make them look more appealing. The spare room can be a dining area for small parties and get-togethers.
6. Home Gym

If you have a lot of exercise equipment, the spare room can be turned into a home gym. If you don't have much equipment, it is still possible to turn the space into a home gym. You can put in some fitness equipment like an exercise bike and treadmill. To make it look better, add mirrors on the walls to reflect your workout movements.
7. Library

Do you have many books? Well, the spare room can be turned into a library. Just put in some comfortable chairs and bookshelves. You can also add lighting to make it look brighter. This is perfect for those who like reading at home. The books will be in a place where you can easily access them.
8. Music Room

Music lovers can turn the room into a music room. Put in a piano, drum set, and other musical instruments. If you have enough space, you can also add more chairs and tables for the guests who would like to listen to your performance. This is perfect for those who love singing or playing musical instruments. This will also be great if you teach someone how to play an instrument. A bed can be placed on the top floor for those who love sleeping or reading. This will be a perfect place to stay if you avoid the noisy party downstairs.
9. Arcade Room
Have you ever wanted to have an arcade room in your house? Well, now is the time! Convert the free space into a room for arcade games like a pinball machine, air hockey table, or pool table. You can even make a virtual reality room with the HTC Vive. The arcade room is all about fun and games!
10. Recording Studio

Music is a big part of everyone's life, so why not use the bedroom as a recording studio? You can play music or record your song in your free time. The recording equipment are expensive and require a safe place to put it. It's also risky to put in a recording studio, as there is no privacy.
11. Home Bar
Drinking is a popular pastime for many people, so why not put it in a home bar? A home bar can also be a meeting place for family and friends. The home bar needs to be made of glass, where drinks are served. It also needs to have cupboards and storage not to waste the drinks.
12. Home Cinema

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
A home cinema is something that most teenagers want, as they enjoy watching movies with their friends and family. The home cinema needs to be spacious and have the latest technology. With the free bedrooms, you have the space you need. The seating should be comfortable, as the home cinema is used for entertainment.
13. Pet Room

A pet room is something that teenagers want, as they want to keep pets at home. The pet room should be spacious and should have a good ventilation system. The room needs to be equipped with the latest technology, and there should be enough space for the pet to move around.
14. Cleaning and Laundry Rooms
A cleaning and laundry room is something that will help to reduce the workload of a housewife. The cleaning and laundry rooms should be spacious and well-equipped with the latest technology. There should be enough space for movement, as there are chances of clothes getting scattered in all directions. Spare rooms can provide the space you need to set up the laundry room.
15. Space for Garden

If there is an open space in your home, it can be converted into a garden. A garden adds beauty to the house and helps you relax after a long day at work. You can even grow vegetables in your garden, which will reduce your monthly grocery bills. The garden can be used to grow flowers and herbs too.
Wrapping Up
Do you have an unused spare room? You can utilize the space by converting it into a usable space. This blog has covered some of the best ways to use free rooms smartly.
So now you are inspired why not view some of our articles on interior home design to really get your creativity flowing. We cover plenty of rooms within the home such as home offices, living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms!