Diffused Design: Tolomeo wall lamp with shade by Artemide
Similar in style and design to wall-lamps in the Tolomeo range, this beautiful example of modernistic design is not only functional but is also warming and rather comforting. Other lamps in the same range have a more industrialist style, whereas this wall lamp shade seems to have a slightly more elegant and opulent characteristic. Like the pretty sister of the family, this lamp has the same construction as its more masculine brothers, such as the clip spot, or the table lamp, but comes across in a more delicate way due its diffuser shade and Petit frame.
Designer: Shelley Kirsch Interior Design and Decoration
The light that can be achieved from the wall lamp is both intense and ambient depending on individual needs. When the diffuser is pointed downwards, it can provide a more intense light beam that will bring clarity to the space beneath. When the diffuser is pointing upwards is can create a wonderfully warm and inviting glow that will brighten up the room in a soft and ambient way. If intense light is needed the lamp can be moved downwards with the tension knobs and can point directly at the desired object.
Photo: Imagine Living
Following similar structural design to the other lamps in the Tolomeo range, the wall lamp with shade has a fully-adjustable and positionable arm that allows the lamp to move freely from the base. The tension cables that are evident throughout the range, help to make the maneuverability of the product easier and more effective allowing various different lighting effects. The pivot lever at the very top of the shade allows it to tilt at various angles directing light wherever it is needed. The main structure of the light is made from aluminium with steel tension cables, and the diffuser Is made from either silver silk or parchment to allow for customisation.
This lamp looks amazing in a modern home, especially one with neutral colour palettes, and warm, textured furnishings. Due to the slight femininity of this lamp in comparison to its more masculine brothers in the Tolomeo range, this light can also look magnificent in a more traditionally styled room. With such a extensive range of lights, the Tolomeo range has something for everyone and this lamp in particular is a wonderful example of beauty and brains.
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