Webber + Studio

Drawing from environmental cues, programmatic needs, and building technology, our hand serves primarily as the conduit for functionalistic responses. Strongly emphasizing integration of site and structure, all of our work strives to braid indoor and outdoor zones together. The results produce buildings and spaces that take on the unique characteristics of each site and each client.

With a deep interest in the honest expression of site constraints, program and construction, we have become inspired by the honesty found in some of North America's great popular traditions, both glamorous and unglamorous. From prefabricated metal buildings, to some of America's most refined folk styles, modernism and minimalism, our work is influenced by the artistry we see in the many grand and mundane approaches to building. Less concerned with style as much as function and context, we treat each project as an exploration in marrying our client's objectives with the characteristics of their program and site to achieve the uniqueness that is the hallmark of our work.

With an ever present focus on integration of site and structure, we also bring a fascination with how our buildings can become one with the site. Whether indenting our buildings to invite entry by the site, designing our building elements to capture incidental exterior space, or burrowing them into the site so that they can be claimed by the earth, we are always exploring the various spatial experiences that accompany this weaving process between the building and the environment.

Since 1997, Webber + Studio, located in Austin, Texas has brought this sensibility to all of their projects whether residential, commercial, or institutional. We pursue projects of varying type, scale and use in an effort to constantly hone our skills and philosophy so that we may always bring the highest level of client service, quality and value to each of our endeavors.

Featured projects: "Jewell Street Addition", "Tarrytown Guest House and Garage", "Nuevo 2600"

Address: 1220 Lavaca St., Austin, Texas, United States of America, 78701
Phone: 512 236 1032

Contemporary exterior, pool and correlated steel
Contemporary exterior, pool and correlated steel

See all photos in project: Nuevo 2600
Architect: Webber + Studio
Photography: Jacob Termansen Photography

Breezeway doors to patio

See all photos in project: “Jewell Street Addition
Architect: Webber + Studio
Photography: Tom McConnell Photography

Tile that runs out of shower and onto wall
Tile that runs out of shower and onto wall

See all photos in project: Tarrytown Guest House and Garage
Architect: Webber + Studio
Photography: Paul Bardagjy Photography


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