McInturff Architects

McInturff Architects, an eight-person firm in Bethesda, Maryland, has an orientation toward small highly-crafted contemporary design for residential, commercial, and small institutional projects. Our complete architectural and interior design services involve considerable client interaction in order to tailor the projects to the needs of the users. Our work has been frequently published, both locally and nationally, and we have received more than 250 design awards, including three national AIA Honor Awards, two for Interior Architecture and one for Urban Design. The work is the subject of two monographs, In Detail: McInturff Architects (2001) and In Residence: McInturff Architects (2007), both by The Images Publishing Group of Australia.

Featured projects: "Bridge House", "House on Poplar Avenue"

Address: 4220 Leeward Place, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 20816
Phone: 301-229-3705
Fax: 301-229-6380


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