Photos of dramatic forest scenes, fur rugs and an iMac are among the first items to meet the eye of visitors gazing upon this classy bachelor pad for the very first time. A limited number of colors, tones, patterns and textures have been applied to interior furnishings and surfaces in order to maintain a uniform vision. Designed by Angelina Alexeeva, there is a definitive masculine edge that permeates the home, but it is also very debonair and chic. Four gray stone slabs form an accent wall, separating the kitchen from the living room. An overstuffed couch of the same hue rests between the accent wall and a black shag rug. Two wooden pentagons have been adjoined to form the metal wire based coffee table. From the meditative qualities of the master bedroom to tranquil, Asian themed bathroom, only a man of a certain pedigree could take up residence here.