Escape in the Snow: Holiday home is located within the nearby ski slopes and has amazing panoramic views

Covered in snow, this house blends in amazingly well with its surroundings and has a light and inviting aura. The house, located near the village of Geilo, in the valley of Hallingdal, Norway, has been predominantly made from wooden planks and structures and large panes of glass. The geometric structure of the house, that sees rooms extending out at different angles, is modernistic in style and has slight chalet construction thanks to the low pointed roof. Located within a short distance from the nearby ski resorts, this house has a beautiful panoramic view of the city and the snowy slopes. It was designed by Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter and was designed for a family of four to escape on holiday in the winter months.

September 12, 2024
How To Care For Aniline Leather Sofas

Table Of Contents1 What Is Aniline Leather?2 Why Is Aniline Leather Sofa Special?2.1 What Is The Difference Between Aniline Leather And Other Types Of Leather?3 How To Care For Aniline Leather Sofa?3.1 Regular Dusting And Vacuuming3.2 Cleaning Spills Immediately3.3 Using A Leather Cleaner3.4 Avoiding Harsh Chemicals4 What Are The Common Stains On Aniline Leather Sofa?4.1 […]

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September 12, 2024
How To Care For Stressless Leather Furniture

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September 2, 2024
How To Take Care Of Leather Sofa

Table Of Contents1 What Makes Leather Sofas Different From Other Types Of Sofas?1.1 Material1.2 Comfort1.3 Durability2 How To Properly Clean And Maintain Your Leather Sofa?2.1 Regular Dusting And Vacuuming2.2 Cleaning Spills And Stains2.3 Conditioning And Moisturizing The Leather3 What Products Should You Use To Clean And Condition Your Leather Sofa?3.1 Leather Cleaner3.2 Leather Conditioner4 What […]

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